A professionally produced deck of cards to help teach Jobs To Be Done, JTBD, interviewing. Jobs To Be Done is a powerful way to understand customer needs and the results of the interviews uncover product innovation and marketing opportunities .
The deck has been designed for advertising agencies, UX specialists, marketing and business studies students and those interesting in learning to explore customer motivations.
The cards are divided into 5 groups: green cards provide a starting point for interviews. blue add additional questions, orange are insights to watch out for, red are questions to avoid (and rephrase) and purple cards support business-to-business interviews.
On the reverse face of the cards are 50 questions that are designed to help the interviewer progress the questioning. Cards provide a much more flexible way to learn about JTBD interviewing than books and learners are encouraged to choose the questions that work for them.
The cards are printed to the same standards as professional poker cards and are highly durable. This fully redesigned second edition includes new cards to help explore B2B needs, comes packed in a cardboard box and includes quickstart instructions.
JTBD cards was originally launched and fully funded on Kickstarter and was the result of hundreds of hours of workshops across the world.